The Cockalier is a designer breed created through the cross of the Cocker Spaniel and the Cavalier breed. The Cockalier is recognized by the ACHC (American Canine Hybrid Club). This designer breed can also be registered through IDCR (International Designer Canine Registry) and ICA (International Canine Association, Inc).
Country of Origin:N/A
Weight:14 - 30 lbs
Height:12 - 15 inches
Color:The Cockalier can come in a variety of colors. Here are a few of them: Tri-Color, Black & Tan, Ruby, Blenheim, Buff, Black, Chocolate & Sable.
The Cockalier is active, affectionate and eager to please. This designer breed does excellent with children and is a great family pet. The Cockalier is quick to learn and loves a good romp in the yard with the family.
Cockalier Health Considerations
The Cockalier life expectancy is between 10 – 15 years. Health concerns to watch for in this breed are:
Hip Dysplasia
Luxating Patellas
Heart Disease
All mixed breed dogs have a better chance of having less health concerns because of their genetic diversity.
Cockalier Coat
Their coat is usually soft, silky & medium in length. This breed tends to have some feathering on the ears & legs.
Daily brushing is recommended to avoid any knotting or matting or their coat. Cleaning around the eyes & ears are also important to help avoid infections.
Cockalier Reviews
The sweetest, loving, loyal, funny, and good natured dog you could ever have. She loves everyone, human or animal, and everyone loves her.
Jo S.
Adorable looks like the type of dog that would have fun running around the backyard. Looks lovable and snuggly.